Shrubs, 0.2–10 dm. Branches purple, scabrous (and tomentose when young, becoming blackish brown, verrucose, glabrous with age). Leaves: stipules of vegetative branches reniform, to 1 cm, margins crenate-serrate, apex usually obtuse; petiole 4–6 mm; blade obovate, spatulate, or broadly ovate, 3–5 × 2–3 cm, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, margins crenate-serrate, apex obtuse to acute, abaxial surface glabrous. Flowers 25–40 mm diam.; sepals ovate, rarely suborbiculate, 4–5 mm; petals dark red, obovate or suborbiculate, 15–25 mm; stamens 40–60, 1/2 length of petals. Pomes yellow, subglobose, 23–40 mm diam.
A shrub. It has many stems. It grows 90-150 cm high. It loses its leaves during the year. It is a straggling plant. It has horizontal, spreading, thorny branches. The leaves are alternate and long and pointed. They have fine teeth around the edge. The flowers are 3.5 cm across. They are orange or red. The fruit are small and round. They are yellow and have a pleasant scent. They become sticky when ripe.