Sprawling perennial herb, rootstock woody, up to c. 10 mm diam., branches many from the crown, of indeterminate length, laxly branched, often rooting at the nodes, softly villous, hairs up to 0.5-1.8 mm long, both acute and gland-tipped, leafy. Leaves opposite, largest blades 6-25 x 5-23 mm, ovate, broadly ovate, or sometimes broadly elliptic, abruptly contracted to a petiolar part c. 4-13 mm long, very roughly half length of blade, apex subacute to obtuse, margins crenate or serrate, both surfaces pubescent to villous, hairs up to 0.5-1 mm long, longest often on petiolar part, either with scattered glistening glands as well or these wanting. Flowers solitary in axils of leaves. Pedicels (lowermost) c. 9-25 mm long. Calyx obscurely bilabiate, tube (1-)1.5-2.25 mm long, lobes 2.5-6 x 0.7-1 mm, villous, hairs up to 0.6-1.5 mm long, some gland-tipped, glistening glands either wanting or a few on tube. Corolla tube 8-11 x 3.2-4 mm in throat, funnel-shaped, limb almost regular, 8-12 mm across, posticous lobes 2.5-4.3 x 1.8-3 mm, anticous lobe 3-5 x 1.8-4 mm, all oblong-orbicular, white, tube yellow or orange, glandular-pubescent outside, hairs up to 0.1-0.6 mm long, some scattered glistening glands as well, 3-5 longitudinal bands of clavate hairs inside. Stamens 4, anthers 1-1.3 mm long, anticous pair exserted, filaments 2.5-3.2 mm long, posticous pair in mouth, filaments 1-1.6 mm long. Stigma 0.7-1.4 mm long, exserted. Style 5.5-8 mm long. Ovary 1.2-1.4 x 0.8-1 mm, glabrous or a few glistening glands on sutures. Capsule 3-5 x 2-3 mm. Seeds c. 0.4-0.8 x 0.3-0.6 mm, amber-coloured. May flower in any month.
Perennial, softly hairy herb, with many sprawling stems, loosely branched and often rooting at nodes, length indefinite. Leaves ovate to widely elliptic, toothed and hairy. Flowers single and axillary. Corolla: tube 8-11 mm long, yellow or orange; lobes white; upper anthers in mouth. Flowering time all year.
Sprawling, softly hairy perennial. Leaves bluntly toothed. Flower tube funnel-shaped, white with a yellow tube.