Plant practically acaulescent, 60-80 cm. high over all, the caudex of 6-8 cm. being covered with bracts and leaf-bases and less than 2 cm. thick at surface of ground: leaves pinnate, 40-50 cm. long, of 10-12 pairs of opposite or subopp'osite glabrous thin pinnae that are 10-18 cm. long and 2 cm. or less broad, lower ones often shorter and narrower; pinnae gradually narrowed to acuminate apex and also narrowed to half the width at base, sigmoid-lanceolate, midvein prominent, 1 or 2 laterals on either side semi-prominent: spadices radical, the slender peduncle tubular-bracted or spathed, shorter than the foliage, laxly flowered; staminate spadix about 10 cm. long and 7 or 8 cm. broad, rachis continuous, and emitting 20-30 spreading slender rachillae 4-5 cm. long; pistillate spadix simple or of very few branches 5-8 cm. long.