Perennial herb, up to 0.4 m high. Leaf segments narrowly lobed, without a prominent midrib, lobes trisect, ultimate lobes 3-or 4-toothed. Pedicels at least 7 mm long. Sepals semi-lunar, up to 0.2 mm long, blunt, with rounded apex. Petals white to orange. Flowering time Nov.-Mar. (mainly Dec.). Fruit flask-shaped, 1.5-4.3 mm long.
Like C. capensis but roots 4-6, only tip fleshy and prominently expanded, ovate, laterally flattened, ultimate leaf segments less finely divided, green, raylets wiry, > 7 mm long and sepals semi-lunar.
A herb. It has 4-6 roots which have tips that are fleshy.