Scrambling shrub to 2 m high. Leaves alternate with slender petiole, triangular to narrowly hastate, densely mealy with cream-coloured vesicular hairs; lamina 5–15 mm long. Inflorescence a pyramidal panicle 5–10 cm long with distinct clusters of flowers; branches and main axis flexuose. Flowers polygamo-monoecious, subsessile, depressed-globular, c. 1.5 mm diam. enlarging to 3.5 mm in fruit, eventually spreading and c. 7 mm wide. Perianth 5-lobed, densely mealy outside with vesicular hairs. Stamens 5, united at base into puberulous disc. Stigmas 2, delicate, strongly penicillate. Fruit a berry, rarely dry; perianth at first closed but eventually spreading. Pericarp usually succulent, orange to red. Seed lenticular with rounded margin, c. 1.4 mm diam., testa deeply reticulate with a rough surface, dark reddish brown.