Annual herb, 0.15-0.30 m high, erect, much branched, grey to glaucous-green, ± densely clothed with grey-mealy hairs. Leaves variable, mostly triangular-ovate, 15-45 x 15-45 mm, concave at base, margins with 4-11 coarse teeth on each side, apex rounded to acute. Inflorescences ample, profusely branched panicles of many, small, laxly arranged, dense, rounded clusters of minute, grey flowers. Perianth: segments 5 with grey-mealy hairs on margins and outside, prominently keeled in upper part. Flowering time Nov., May. Pericarp readily rubbed off. Seeds black, shiny.
Leaves variable; the median and inferior mostly triangular-ovate to triangular-subreniform, mostly as broad as or broader than long, 1.5–4.5 × 1.5–4.5 cm., broadly cuneate to concave-subtruncate at base; leaf margin with 4–11 coarse teeth or lobes on each side; apex of leaves rounded to acute; upper leaves becoming narrower, more narrowly cuneate at base, with fewer (to almost no) marginal lobes or teeth, often markedly trilobed with a prominent ascending or divergent lobe on either side near base.
Pericarp readily rubbed or scraped off seed. Seeds black or brownish-black, shining, broadly ellipsoid (slightly larger than wide), 1–1.2 7× 0.8–0.9 mm., bluntly keeled; testa (seen under microscope) much smoother than in C. opulifolium, with a few faint radial furrows and some slight irregular roughenings elsewhere.
Annual herb 0.4–2.5 m. high, erect, much branched, grey to glaucous green, uncertain whether red-tinged, more or less densely clothed with mealy vesicular hairs especially on young parts and inflorescences.
Inflorescence an ample profusely branched panicle of very numerous small laxly arranged dense rounded clusters (“glomerules”) of minute grey flowers 1–1.5 mm. in diam.
Perianth segments 5, papillose with grey mealy hairs on margins and outside, each with a narrow prominent green keel in upper part.
Ändert ab nach Blattgestalt (die Dreilappigkeit tritt bei den Varietäten nicht immer deutlich zutage) und nach Zähnung.
Stamens 5.