Plants with sparse rhizoids. Leaves incurved, spiralled when dry, spreading to squarrose when moist, 1-7 mm long, ovate to rectangular, with ‘shoulders’; base strongly sheathing; apex subulate, often fragile and broken; costa percurrent to short-excurrent as a sharp mucro; margins plane, entire or weakly dentate at the apex. Upper laminal cells subquadrate to short-rectangular, papillose. Perigonia and perichaetia terminal. Seta 7-20 mm long. Capsules cylindrical, reddish brown; annulus present. Peristome teeth short, papillose; basal membrane present. Operculum rostrate; calyptra cucullate. Spores 11-15 µm diam., yellow-brown, papillose. [Australian specimens sterile.].