Pachycaul tree to 8 m; bole to 8 cm diam., sometimes with small rounded buttresses. Bark greyish, narrowly fissured. Leafy twigs c. 1.5 cm diam. Leaves to 135 cm long, imparipinnate, to 10-jugate; rachis terete, subglabrous, lateral leaflets opposite to 38 by 10 cm distally, 1.8 by 1 cm and pseudostipulate proximally, the terminal c. 45 by 13.5 cm, narrowly elliptic or oblong, glabrous adaxially, sparsely strigose, especially on venation abaxially, base shortly attenuate to subtruncate, apex acuminate, costae c. 24 on each side, prominent abaxially, tertiary venation conspicuous, somewhat scalariform; petiolules 0–16 mm, swollen. Inflorescence (male only known) 38(–150) cm long, pendent, slender; axis 2–3 mm diam., sericeous, the flowers in fascicles in the distal half; pedicels 2–4.5 mm, recurved, hispid. Calyx 3 mm long, c. 5.5 mm diam., cupular, pubescent without, margin entire to weakly crenate. Petals 5, 16 by 4.5 mm, narrowly oblong, white, appressed pilose without, glabrous within. Staminal tube 14.5 mm long, subglabrous save broad band of adpressed hairs apically without, margin with 11 irregularly bifid lobes c. 3.5 mm long; anthers 11, c. 2 mm long, included, hardly locellate. Disk c. 0.5 mm tall, margin with recurved lobes. Style filiform with a tuft of long hairs at its base; stylehead c. 1 mm diam., spherical. Fruit unknown.