Tree c. 5 m tall. Leafy twigs fawn pubescent. Leaves c. 20 cm, to at least 3-jugate, petiole, rachis, petiolules, midribs and nerves densely fawn pubescent. Leaflets 8–11 by 3–4.5 cm, elliptic, subcoriaceous, bases acute, apices shortly acuminate, costae c. 7 on each side, venation prominent; petiolules 5–7 mm. Thyrse to 15 cm (fide Merrill), paniculiform; branches to 2 cm, spreading or ascending, pubescent. Calyx 4–5 mm long, cupulate, pubescent without, margin subtruncate to obscurely lobed. Petals 5, to 16 by 2 mm, pubescent without, yellowish white. Staminal tube appressed hairy on both surfaces, margin 5-lobed, lobes 2.5 mm long, obtuse; anthers 5, 2.5 mm long. Ovary 2-locular, hirsute; style hirsute. Capsule (fide Merrill) to 6 cm diam., globose, brown. Seeds to 3 cm long.