Tree to 25 m; bole to 25 cm diam., buttresses to 1 m tall and out, 10 cm thick. Bark smooth to cracking, dark grey to chocolate brown; inner bark reddish brown; wood cream. Crown small. Twigs rough, dark brown. Leafy twigs 4–5 mm diam., densely and minutely rusty tomentose. Leaves to 36 cm, pseudogemmulate, to 6-jugate; petiole 5–8 cm. Leaflets to 10 by 8 cm, elliptic-oblong to broadly ovate, chartaceous, glabrous adaxially save the puberulous midrib, softly and shortly rusty-pubescent abaxially, bases somewhat asymmetric, cuneate or rounded, apices shortly, abruptly and bluntly acuminate, costae 6–8 on each side, somewhat arcuate; petiolule to 1 cm. Thyrse to 14 cm, supra-axillary in upper axils, minutely rusty tomentose; lateral branches short, squarrose, cymose; pedicels short. Calyx c. 4 mm long, cylindrical, densely tomentose without, glabrous within, margin truncate to praemorse. Petals 5 or 6, 9–13 by 3–3.5 mm, narrowly boat-shaped, creamy white, valvate, separating in sicco, fleshy, adpressed sericeous without, glabrous within. Staminal tube sericeous without except at base and on lobes, pubescent similarly within, margin with 5 or 6 teeth c. 2.5 mm long, weakly lobcd; anthers c. 3 mm long, locellate, subsessile, basifixed at notches between lobes. Pistil minutely pubescent save a narrow band below stylehead; stylehead cylindric, spically mamillate, glabrous. Capsule to 6 cm diam., globose, peach-like, minutely beaked, minutely tomentose, yellow when immature, blood-red when ripe; pericarp with white latex. Seeds 2, c. 2.5 cm long, somewhat flattened; sarcotesta thick, orange-red.