Tree to 12 m; bole to 8 m, 17 cm diam. Twigs cicatrose, lenticellate. Leafy twigs c. 6 mm diam. Leaves to 120 cm long, pseudogemmulate, in lax terminal spirals, ± pubescent; petioles 5–10 cm long. Leaflets to 24 by 7.5 cm, in up to 12 pairs, oblong to oblong-ovate, pale abaxially in sicco, bases cuneate, somewhat asymmetric, apices abruptly shortly acuminate, costae c. 22 on each side, weakly arcuate, almost reaching margin, prominent abaxially in sicco; petiolules 8–12 mm; pseudogemmula markedly circinnate. Thyrse to 25 cm long, supra-axillary, often borne in axils of unexpanded leaves; branches to 6 cm or short-stalked cymules (female). Calyx 2.5–3 mm, campanulate, pubescent, margin truncate. Petals 4, c. 12–16 by 3.5 mm, linear-spathulate, creamy white, pubescent without, imbricate, forming a clavate corolla in male. Staminal tube pubescent in distal half without, glabrous within, inflated near anthers, margin obscurely crenate or truncate; anthers 6, 1.5 mm long, oblong, locellate, glabrous. Ovary 5-locular; style pilose in proximal 3/4, stylehead shortly cylindrical, glabrous, apically lobed. Capsule to 9 cm diam., flattened globose; valves 5, glabrous, tough, red brown without, white within, without latex. Seeds 4 or 5, c. 3 cm long, scutiform (where 4) or like orange-segments (when 5); cotyledons with white latex.