Tree to 33 m; bole to 60 cm diam., fluted and with small buttresses to 1 m tall, when large. Bark blackish brown to red, sometimes cracking vertically and flaking; inner bark ± red; wood pinkish straw to white. Leafy twigs (2–)4–9 mm diam., cicatrose, sometimes myrmecophilous. Leaves to 150 cm; petiole 8–15 cm; rachis 2–4.5 mm diam., terete to ± winged or rarely ± flattened. Leaflets in up to 11 pairs, (7–) 14–45 by (2.5–) 7–23 cm, ovate to elliptic or suboblong, indumentum of adpressed hairs usually rather inconspicuous or puberulous on veins adaxially and/or velutinous abaxially, base occasometimessionally subcordate, fine venation slightly prominent especially abaxially; petiolules 3–8 (–12) mm. Inflorescences to 60 cm, but usually less, axillary or on short shoots in desometimesfoliated axils of twigs to 2.5 cm diam., 0–2-branched, sweetly scented; branches to 20 cm; pedicels 0–5 mm. Calyx 2–4 mm long, margin truncate; pseudopedicel to 1.5 mm long. Petals (3) 4 or 5 (6), c. 7–16(–22) by 0.7–4.5 mm, white or flushed pink to claret, quincuncial, alternative or rarely imbricate. Staminal tube to 3 mm diam., pinkish, without glabrous or sparsely hairy in distal half, within retrorse hairy from (usually) just below anthers to base, very rarely glabrous, margin truncate to shallowly lobed; anthers (3–)5–10(–18), c. 1–3 mm long, locellate, inserted about 2–4 mm within tube. Ovary (3–) 4-or 5-(6-)locular; style 6–15 mm, hairy at least at base. Capsule to 4 cm diam., obovoid to ± spherical, brownish red, hairs dense, sometimes of conspicuously differsometimesent lengths; pericarp fibrous. Seeds up to 5; testa black, aril red surrounding hilum; cosometimestyledons superposed. 2n = 92.
A tree. It grows 37 m tall. The branchlets are leafy. The leaves are compound and 40 cm long. The flowering shoots have many branches. They can be 50 cm long. The fruit is orange-red with 3 seeds.