Flowers white to greenish–yellow, in few– to many–flowered fascicles in leaf axils; pedicels 1–3 mm. long; buds c. 1 mm. long, globose.
Evergreen climber up to 20 m. high with very slender trunk, or shrub 3–5 m. tall; twigs long, leafy, often only sparingly branched.
Lamina glabrous on both surfaces except for midrib of lower surface, this very prominent and sometimes brownish–pubescent.
Fruits up to 4·5 x 3 cm., ovoid, tapering at apex into a narrow beak, 3–seeded, 3–4–lobed (at least when dry), greenish.
Apical buds, young stems and petioles appressed brownish–pubescent; older branches glabrescent, with smooth brown bark.
Calyx c. 1·5 mm. long, of 5 orbicular, cucullate, strongly imbricate sepals sparsely pilose on dorsal surface.
Lateral nerves numerous, closely spaced, parallel, joined into a continuous prominent marginal vein.
Corolla c. 2 mm, long, urceolate, the tube ± equalling lobes, these elliptic, ciliate.
Stamens inserted at base of corolla–tube; anthers c. 0·5 mm. long; filaments glabrous.
Seeds c. 1·7 cm. long, testa mottled yellowish–brown.
Small greenish flowers in axillary clusters.
Gynoecium c. 1 mm. long.
A climbing shrub