Cissus biformifolia Standl.


Angiosperms > Vitales > Vitaceae > Cissus


Vine, often climbing and hanging; stems terete to 4-gonal, sulcate to canalicu-late, glabrous except for the appressed pilose hairs on the young stems, swollen at the nodes, with sparse minutely elevated lenticels. Leaves dimorphic, the younger ones narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate, 4-10 cm long, 1.5-4 cm broad, long cuneate at the base, short acuminate at the apex, glabrous, chartaceous, the petiole 1.5-4.5 cm long, the older leaves ovate to broadly ovate, 10-18 cm long, 5-13 cm broad, rounded, cordate or deeply cordate at the base, short acuminate to acute at the apex, glabrous, coriaceous, the petiole 3.5-7 cm long, often sulcate and canalicu-late; all leaves with 5-7 pairs of ascending lateral veins and entire at the base becoming sparsely and shallowly serrate toward the apex; stipules broadly obovate, 3-4 mm long, early caducous, subrotund at the apex. Inflorescences of small compacted cymes appearing as pseudoumbels, the peduncles up to 2 cm long, younger ones appressed pilose; buds 3-4 mm long. Flowers dark red, the pedicel 1-2 mm long, with scattered appressed pilose hairs; bracts and bracteoles 2-3 mm long, ovate, acute at the apex; calyx cupular with four rotund teeth which persist in fruiting; corolla of four free petals, the petals ovate-oblong, 3-4 mm long, obtuse at the apex; pistil 2-3 mm long, 2-locular. Berries green becoming purple at maturity, 10-12 mm long, 8-10 mm broad, suborbicular to obovoid, apex rounded and usually with a small persistent beak, 1-seeded, the seed 8-10 mm in diam, obovoid.
Life form perennial
Growth form -
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 30 - 180
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Cissus biformifolia leaf picture by Nelson Zamora Villalobos (cc-by-nc)


Cissus biformifolia fruit picture by Nelson Zamora Villalobos (cc-by-nc)
Cissus biformifolia fruit picture by Nelson Zamora Villalobos (cc-by-nc)
Cissus biformifolia fruit picture by Nelson Zamora Villalobos (cc-by-nc)


Cissus biformifolia world distribution map, present in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, El Salvador, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)


WFO ID wfo-0000606068
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Cissus cardiophylla Cissus muelleri Cissus oaxacana Cissus biformifolia Vitis lanceolata