Large tree. Branchlets dark brown, with sparse lenticels. Leaves obovate or oblong-elliptic, apex obtuse or rounded, the bluntish tip sometimes abruptly short-acuminate and folded, base cu-neate, a little decurrent, coriaceous, shining above, (12-)14-18 by (6-)8-11 cm, nerves 5-6 anastomosing pairs, reticulation rather dense, minutely raised on both faces; petiole 1-1.5(-2.5) cm by 2(-3) mm. Infructescence terminal, consisting of 1 or 2, sometimes 3 almost pyramidal panicles, up to 15 cm, rusty hirsute; each panicle with numerous racemosely arranged branches which generally are 2(-3)-forked and bear several flowers crowded at the curved end of the branches, the latter up to 5 cm in the lowest, and c. 1 cm (and usually not forked) in the uppermost part of the panicle. Drupe ovoid to broadly ellipsoid-ovoid, c. 2 by 1.8 cm in submature state, brown when dry, very slightly and irregularly many-ribbed lengthwise in the lower ⅔; endocarp hard, c. 1 mm.