The most popular winter lemon selection in Spain, with some Arizona production. Origin: Murcia, Spain, by A. Garcia Lidón. Selection of Fino (also known as Mesero or Primo-fiori) lemon; selected in the mid 1970s. Tree: tree is vigorous; upright; densely-foliated; longer and more numerous thorns than Lisbon; can be precocious. Fruit: similar to Lisbon; medium; elliptical to oblong, with an inconspicuous neck and medium to large apical mammilla; yellow when mature; rind medium-thick 6-10 mm, adheres tightly and can be smooth or slightly rugose; flesh is pale greenish-yellow with about 10 segments; typically 1-4 seeds/fruit; harvest extends mainly in the fall, winter, and early spring, typically earlier than Lisbon.