Culms stiff, slender, to 1 m, solitary or few together from rhizomes, often colonial; blades 1–3 mm wide, channeled toward the base, flat or nearly so in the middle, becoming terete distally, smooth or nearly so; infl slender, the terminal cyme 5–10 cm, the lower ones remote; spikelets lanceolate, becoming ovoid, 3–5 mm; lower scales short, subrotund, the upper ovate; achene dull brown, 2.5–3.5 mm, conspicuously pointed, the base either contracted or broadly truncate. Swamps and marshes, usually in calcareous or saline places; N.S. to Minn., s. to w. Fla. and Ky.; e. Tex. (Mariscus m.) Some plants have the infl much congested.