Internodes terete, furfuraceous, rather slender, 2-4 cm long. Leaves irregularly paired; petiole rather slender, 0.5 cm long; blade somewhat coriaceous, obovate, to 5 x 1.5 cm, apex emarginate and mucronate to rounded, base acute, upper surface of blade showing several lateral, basal veins, lower surface with furfuraceous midrib to apex; margins and petioles furfuraceous. Inflorescence ca. 0.3 cm long, sessile, 1-3 per axil, usually with 4 triads and one terminal flower, upper 2 triads sometimes replaced with monads; bracts somewhat furfuraceous. Dioecious, only male plants seen. Flowers (male) 4-merous, ca. 0.2 cm long; calyculus irregularly lacerate; anthers fused with petals, each reduced to 4 minute pollen sacs, upper 2 placed well above others; style conspicuously clavate, slightly more than 0.1 cm long.