Tree or shrub to 5 m tall, sometimes epiphytic and strangling; sap white; twigs indistinctly angled. Leaves obovate or elliptical, mostly 7-11 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, apically acuminate, sometimes with a drip tip, basally obtuse, the costa drying plane above, elevated beneath in the proximal half, lateral veins slightly arcuate, 3-4 mm apart, but sometimes biseriate and 2-3 mm apart, the submar-ginal vein 0.5-1.0 mm from the margin, a minute marginal vein sometimes partly present, drying slatey green above, yellowish or brownish green beneath; petioles distinct, ca. 1 cm long, angled. Inflorescences short, 3-4 cm long, cymose, pe-duncle slender but stiff, angled, 7-10 mm long; bracts not differentiated, brac-teoles conspicuous, ca. 3 mm long, acute, cucullate with a sharp keel; pedicels to 4 mm long, sometimes obsolete. Flowers with the buds turbinoid, 5 mm long, 6 mm wide, stramineous and evenly ribbed, prefloration complete, sepals 4, de-cussate, stramineous, ribbed, the outer pair fused in bud except sometimes mi-nutely free at the beak, upon splitting ovate, acute, 6 mm long, the inner sepals somewhat larger, rounded; petals 7, imbricate(?) or quincuncial, rotund, slightly erose margined, ca. 10 mm long; staminate androecium consisting of a peltate hemispherical mass with numerous elliptical stamens immersed around the pe-riphery and numerous staminodes immersed around the periphery of the some-what flattened apex, gynoecium not evident. Fruit (immature) elongate, the stig-mas ca. 8, sessile forming a flat cap at the apex.