Shrub or tree to 10-15 m tall, sometimes epiphytic or scandent, with a low and rounded crown (Duke & Dwyer 13941); branches terete, divaricate, sap yel-low or white turning orange. Leaves elliptical, mostly 13-23 cm long, 8-10 cm wide, apically with a short acuminate drip tip, basally obtuse, chartaceous, the costa sharp beneath and in the proximal half above, lateral veins numerous, mostly 3-4 mm apart, parallel, slightly and evenly arcuate, with a minute (visible above with the naked eye), somewhat irregular vein-like tracery between the lateral veins; petiole slender, 2.5-6 cm long, plane or slightly channelled above, basally winged and cucullate, slightly clasping the stem. Inflorescences sexually dimorphic, the male inflorescence an elongate raceme or thyrsoid panicle to 30 cm long, the axis stiff, straight, drying 5-8 mm across near the base, ca. 3 mm thick apically, the distal leaves somewhat reduced, each branching with 2 cucul-late thick, ovate, bracts to 10 mm long, the bracts reduced upwards in the inflo-rescence; the branches spreading; female inflorescence a short, bulky raceme to 10 cm long bearing a pair of much reduced leaves just above the base, the basal segments drying angled or squarish, peduncles ca. 10 mm long, somewhat longer in fruit, with a pair of cucullate bracts ca. 5 mm long at about the middle and a solitary bract at the base; flower buds globose, 10-15 mm across, often nodding. Male flowers with 4 decussate broadly rotund sepals, petals spathulate, the claw broadly rotund, sometimes slightly emarginate, white or pinkish white, ca. 25 mm long, appearing crenulate on drying; stamens very numerous, free, the anthers with the 2 pairs of thecae ca. 2 mm long, linear, lateral but more or less ventral along the connective, those of the outer stamens reaching or exceeding the apex of the connective, inwards gradually lower on the connective until in the center of the flower they are rudimentary or absent and the connectives, each terminated in a small knob, are coalesced into a hard, convex or conical mass, the anthers contrasting in color; receptacle flat; female flowers with the stamens rudimentary in basally united clusters inserted below a minute disc. Fruit obovoid, 30-38 mm long, 25-30 mm across, remaining green or becoming pink (Luteyn 1632); stigmas sessile, 8-10 dehiscing longitudinally into narrow valves; seeds orange (?or cov-ered with an orange aril).