Tree or shrub, often epiphytic, sometimes strangling, latex yellow. Leaves obovate, apically rounded or broadly obtuse, basally cuneate, 4-10 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, the costa elevated basally, sometimes on both sides, evanescent distally, the lateral nerves distinct, parallel, ascending, gradually becoming ar-cuate near the margin, abruptly forming a fine submarginal vein 1-3 mm from the margin, a marginal vein sometimes present, stiff coriaceous; petioles broad, most-ly indistinct. Inflorescences terminal cymose panicles, mostly condensed, bracts keeled, ca. 5-12 mm long, or foliaceous, narrowly obovate, ca. 4 cm long; pe-duncle stout, ca. 5 mm thick; bracteoles evident, 1-2 mm long, sometimes 1-3 pairs lacking a short distance below the flowers; pedicels stout, 2-4 mm long but appearing obsolete. Flowers with the buds globose, sepals (?bracts) 2, much shorter than the bud or nearly equalling it; petals pink and white, 4-6. Fruit subglobose to turbinate, ca. 2 cm long, the styles free, briefly connivent into a stipe 5 mm long and 2-3(-6) mm thick, diverging and slightly outcurved, slightly below the stigmas, the stigmas 2 mm long; seeds numerous, immersed in a yellow pulp.