Perennial tree or shrub, 0.7-5.0 m high; glabrous to evenly pubescent, dioecious. Leaves membranous, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous to sparingly or evenly pubescent on both surfaces, base cuneate or rounded, apex narrowed to subacute or obtuse, attenuate. Male fascicles dense, many-flowered; bracts 0.5-1.0 mm long, broadly deltate, chaffy, straw-coloured. Male flowers: pedicels jointed; sepals elliptic-obovate, rounded; petals deltate, unguiculate, pistillode cylindric, slightly broadened apically. Female fascicles 1-many-flowered; bracts as in male. Female flowers: pedicels 5 mm long; sepals oblong-lanceolate, obtuse; petals spathulate, eglandular, glabrous; styles divaricate. Flowering time May-July. Fruit pusticulate, glabrous or subglabrous. Seeds ovoid, minutely pitted.
Male flowers: pedicels c. 5 mm long, jointed; sepals 2.5 × 1.25 mm, elliptic-obovate, rounded, each with 3–4 uncinate clavate glands at the base, pale green; petals 2 × 1.5 mm, deltate, unguiculate, each with a single globose gland at the base, white, green at the base; staminal column 1.25 mm high, free filaments 0.5 mm long, anthers 0.5 mm long, yellow; pistillode 1 mm high, cylindric, slightly broadened apically, yellowish-orange.
Leaf blades 2–16 × 1–7 cm, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, narrowed to the subacute or obtuse apex, attenuate, cuneate or rounded at the base, membranous, glabrous to sparingly or evenly pubescent on both surfaces, pale green on upper surface, somewhat glaucous beneath, often turning orange before falling; lateral nerves in 5–12(15) pairs, strongly brochidodromous.
Female flowers: pedicels 5 mm long, extending to 25 mm in fruit; sepals 2 × 1 mm, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, each with a 2–3-lobed pale yellow-green gland at the base, pale green; petals 2 × 1 mm, spathulate, eglandular, white; ovary 1 mm in diameter, usually glabrous; styles 1 mm long, divaricate, pale yellow-green.
A shrub. It keeps growing from year to year. It is erect and has a few branches. The leaves are oval and dull green. The flowers are small and occur usually in pairs in the axils of leaves. The fruit are pale green with yellow-green dots. The seed are black and shiny with small pits.
Fruit 5 × 4.5 mm, pusticulate, glabrous or subglabrous, pale green, the pustules whitish; endocarp 0.5 mm thick.
Male fascicles dense, usually many-flowered; bracts 0.5–1 mm long, broadly deltate, chaffy, stramineous.
An erect lax shrub, glabrous to evenly pubescent, dioecious; stems up to 6 m tall, brittle flagelliform.
Seeds 3 × 2 × 1.75 mm, ovoid, minutely pitted; caruncle 1 × 1.25 mm, flattened, bifid, stramineous.
Female fascicles 1–many-flowered; bracts as in male.
Petioles 1–3.5 cm long.
Stipules absent.