An undershrub; stems usually simple, occasionally branched, several from a woody rootstock, erect, 8 in. to 2 ft. high, somewhat angular above, terete below, when young thinly adpressed-hairy; leaves shortly petioled, when young membranous, soon firmly papery, pellucid-punctate and sparingly warted, lower often orbicular, usually ovate-oblong, upper (or sometimes all) ovate-lanceolate, acute, base wide-to narrow-cuneate, margin slightly recurved, 0.75-1.25 in. long, 0.3-1.0 in. wide, pale to medium green, when young sparingly hirsute on both sides, soon glabrous or nearly so, distinctly reticulately veined beneath; petiole 0.08 in. long below, almost obsolete above, pubescent; flowers dioecious, greenish-white, male 2-4, female solitary or sometimes in pairs; pedicels up to 0.3 in. long in flower, pubescent, male capillary, female rigid, but very slender and often in fruit nearly 0.5 in. long; male sepals ovate-oblong, obtuse, punctate but not warted, with a 3-5-lobate basal scale; petals rounded-ovate, narrowed to a rather wide claw, eglandular, but each with about five free glands attached within their point of origin; rudimentary ovary subcylindric, glabrous; female sepals oblong, punctate, with a 2-lobed basal scale; petals as in the male, eglandular or with a solitary basal gland; ovary hirsute: styles distinctly connate at the base, 2-bifid above; capsule 0.2 in. wide, less than half as long as the slender pedicel, sparingly setose to quite glabrous, not at all warted.
Perennial dwarf shrub or herb; 0.2-0.6 m high; erect, stems angular above, terete below; stems simple, occasionally branched; rootstock woody. Leaves shortly petioled, when young membranous, soon firmly papery, pellucid-punctate and sparingly warted, lower orbicular or ovate-oblong, upper ovate-lanceolate, base wide to narrow-cuneate, apex acute, margins slightly recurved. Male flowers 2-4; pedicels capillary; sepals ovate-oblong, obtuse, basal scale 3-5-lobate; petals rounded-ovate, eglandular, rudimentary ovary subcylindric, glabrous. Female flowers: pedicels rigid, slender; sepals oblong, punctuate, basal scale 2-lobed; petals as in male, eglandular or with solitary basal gland; ovary hirsute; styles distinctly connate at base. Flowering time Oct.