A shrub, 3-8 ft. high, much branched; branches spreading; twigs distinctly angular, at first finely pubescent, at length glabrous or nearly so; leaves sessile or nearly so, from ovate to lanceolate, shortly acuminate or acute, less often obtuse, base rounded or wide-cuneate, margin slightly recurved, 0.67-0.75 (rarely 1-1.5) in. long, 0.25-0.5 (rarely 0.67) in. wide, subcoriaceous or coriaceous; when young faintly pellucid-punctate and with pellucid veins, when mature opaque or only with the veins faintly pellucid, not warted; midrib rather distinct, nerves obscure; at first sparingly pubescent but soon nearly to quite glabrous; flowers dioecious, greenish-white, male 1-3, female usually solitary; pedicels up to 0.25 in. long, at first pubescent, male capillary, female rigid, stouter, angled; male sepals ovate-oblong, obtuse, punctate but not warted, with a 3-5-lobate basal scale; petals cuneate-obovate, shortly clawed, base 2-3-glandular; rudimentary ovary cylindric, glabrous; female sepals like the male but rather larger; petals as in the male but with base 1-glandular; ovary glabrous; styles distinctly connate at the base, 2-fid above; capsule 0.2 in. wide, subglobose, distinctly warted-punctate.
Perennial shrub, 0.2-1.5 m high; branches spreading, many; twigs distinctly angular. Leaves sessile, from ovate to lanceolate, base rounded or wide-cuneate, apex shortly acuminate or acute, margins slightly recurved, subcoriaceous or coriaceous. Male flowers 1-3; pedicels capillary; sepals ovate-oblong, obtuse, punctate but not warted, basal scale 3-5-lobate; petals cuneate-obovate, shortly clawed, base 2-or 3-glandular, rudimentary ovary glabrous, cylindric. Female flowers: pedicels rigid, angled; sepals as in male but larger; petals as in male but 1-glandular; ovary glabrous; styles distinctly connate at base. Flowering time Sept.-Feb. Fruit a subglobose capsule, distinctly warted-punctate.