A shrublet, 0.5-1 ft. high, much branched; twigs fastigiate, silvery-silky; leaves sessile, firmly membranous, lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed to the base, margin flat, close set and subimbricately spreading, 0.5-0.67 in. 0.125-0.2 in. wide, densely shining silvery silky on both faces flowers dioecious, whitish; male as well as female usually solitary in the leaf-axils; pedicels short, silky; male sepals densely silky, narrow-ovate, A in. long, with a 3-lobed basal scale; petals clawed, rounded-obovate, shorter than the calyx, glabrous, with a 2-lobed basal scale; rudimentary ovary silky at the base; female sepals oblong-ovate, acute, 0..2 in. long, with a simple basal scale; petals without a basal scale, silky externally; ovary densely tomentose, styles short, 2-fid; seeds nearly black, shining.