Liana, shrub or rarely small tree, 2-4 m high, branches cylindrical. Leaves compound, leaflets often jugate (appear yoked together), opposite, asymmetric and acuminate. Inflorescence racemose, axillary, usually > 1 together in axil of single leaf, sometimes pseudoterminal. Flowers unisexual or bisexual, small, tomentose, heterostylous; pedicels with a distinct joint. Sepals ± free, imbricate in bud. Petals free, white, yellowish or red-tinged. Gynoecium of 5, free, sessile carpels; ovules 2 per locule. Flowering time Aug.-Nov. Fruit a follicle, 1-5 per flower, reniform or cylindrical, curved or undulated, beaked or not, opening lengthways along ventral suture, densely tomentose and sometimes also with long rigid hairs outside, easily detached, stinging hairs inside. Seed solitary, testa black and shiny.
A woody climber, scandent shrub or small tree. Branches trailing. Leaves compound. Leaf rhachis and inflorescence with dense cinnamon indumentum. Follicles covered with reddish brown hairs. Flowers pale green.