Coccinia schliebenii Harms


Angiosperms > Cucurbitales > Cucurbitaceae > Coccinia


Strong climber to 12 m.; stems brownish-green, herbaceous, rough, angular.. Leaf-blade broadly ovate-or reniform-cordate in outline, sinuate-toothed, often rather remotely so, deep glossy green, somewhat bullate with sunken nerves and minutely setose becoming scabrid-punctate above, grey-green with raised softly-to scabrid-hairy nerves beneath, 80–240 mm. long, 80–280 mm. broad, palmately 5-lobed; lobes triangular, ovate or lanceolate, broadest or slightly narrowed towards the base, apiculate; petioles hairy, channelled above, 45–122 mm. long.. Tendrils bifid.. Probracts glandular, 3–5 mm. long, 2–3 mm. broad, larger in the ♀ than in the ♂ plant.. Male flowers solitary or in 2–4-flowered racemiform groups on a 20–60 mm. long peduncle, accompanied by a coaxillary longer-pedicelled solitary flower; pedicels 5–40 mm. long, those of the racemose flowers subtended by fleshy bracts 2–4 mm. long and 2–3 mm. broad; receptacle-tube broad and shallow, sulcate in lower half, 2–5 mm. long; lobes ovate-acuminate, 12–25 mm. long; corolla orange-buff with green veins, urceolate, densely glandular-hairy internally about the middle, with the lobes 48–62 mm. long, 14–21 mm. broad, united in lower half or two-thirds; stamens 3.. Female flowers solitary, on 20–34 mm. long stalks; ovary hairy, 13–24 mm. long, 2.5–5 mm. across, 10-ribbed; receptacle-tube 3–4 mm. long; lobes narrow, 6.5–19 mm. long; corolla glandular as in ♂, with lobes ± 50–52 mm. long and 16 mm. broad, united in lower half or quarter.. Fruit red, cylindrical, 92–99 mm. long, 26–28 mm. across, with the fruit-stalk broadened upwards.
male flowers solitary or in 2–6 cm. pedunculate bracteate clusters, usually with a co-axillary solitary flower; bracts small, 2–4 mm. long, rounded; pedicels of clustered flowers up to 20 mm. long, of solitary flowers up to 45 mm. long. Receptacle-tube 2–5 mm. long, broad and shallow, lobes 12–25 mm. long, ovate-acuminate. Corolla orange-yellow, green-veined, urceolate, the lobes 4·8–6·2 × 1·4–2·1 cm., united to the middle or above.
A pumpkin family vine. It grows 12 m long. The stems are brownish-green. They are angular. The tendrils divide into 2. The leaves are broadly oval or heart shaped. They have 5 triangle lobes. The leaves are 8-24 cm long by 8-28 cm wide. The male flowers are in groups of 2-4 and the female flower occurs singly. The fruit are red and cylinder shaped. They are 9 cm long and 3 cm wide.
Leaf-lamina 8–24 × 8–28 cm., ovate or broadly ovate in outline, cordate, bullate, densely scabrid-punctate above, densely asperulous on veins beneath, palmately 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, ovate or lanceolate, sinuate-denticulate, rounded to obtuse, apiculate, the central largest.
Female flowers solitary; peduncle 20–34 mm. long; ovary 13–24 × 2·5–5 mm., pubescent, 10-ribbed; receptacle-tube 3–4 mm. long, lobes 6·5–19 mm. long; corolla similar to that of male flower.
Fruit 6–10 × 2–3 cm., ellipsoid-cylindrical, 10-angled, red; fruit-stalk expanded upwards.
Seeds ovate, lenticular, compressed, rather small, unknown in mature condition.
Stems vigorous, scandent to 12 m., puberulous.
Petioles 3–12 cm. long, densely pubescent.
Probracts 3–5 mm. long.
Tendrils 2-fid.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support climber
Foliage retention -
Sexuality dioecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It is a tropical plant. It has been recorded at 800 m above sea level.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible fruits
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Coccinia schliebenii world distribution map, present in Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Sudan, and Tanzania, United Republic of

Conservation status

Coccinia schliebenii threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000612965
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Coccinia schliebenii Coccinia calophylla