Trailing perennial herb, rootstock stout; stems short pilose with reflexed white hairs, branching mostly near the base. Leaves 1-foliolate, narrowly ovate to lin-ear, mostly obtuse, mucronulate, basally rounded, often minutely cordate, sub-coriaceous, glabrate, lateral nerves strongly ascending; petiolules less than 1 mm long with some long hairs; petioles mostly less than 10 mm long; stipels subulate, longer than the petiolules; stipules ca. 5 mm long, 0.5-2 mm wide, striate, pu-bescent. Inflorescences axillary 1-2-flowered fascicles; pedicels pilose, 8-15 mm long; bracts stipule-like; bracteoles subulate, long ciliate, 2-3 mm long, inserted ca. 1 mm below the calyx. Flowers showy, light purple; calyx tubular, 7-8 mm long, the teeth short, acute, the lowest the longest, sometimes somewhat purplish, sparingly pilose; standard ca. 2 cm long, glabrous, erect. Legume linear, ca. 5 cm long, ca. 3 mm wide, somewhat compressed, the beak short or indistinct, the stipe enveloped by the persistent calyx, hispid, especially at the apex; seeds not seen.