Spreading, lax undershrub to 30 cm tall. Leaves basal and cauline, terete, 13-35 cm long, 0.75-1 mm wide; apex acute, uncinate. Inflorescence a few-branched, leafless panicle; each branch terminating in 2 (-6) flowers; peduncle 4-16 cm long, terete, glabrous; bracteoles 2.5-3 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, greenish blue, densely short white-hairy at base and sides; midvein raised; margins short rusty red-ciliate. Perianth blue, white-and red-tomentose; tube 3-4 mm long; perianth lobes ±equal, 2-2.5 mm long, 0.75-1 mm wide. Nut not seen.