Ovary 2-locular; ovules numerous, immersed in the peltate placentas; style usually exserted or rarely included, in which case the stigmas do not reach the bottoms of the anthers; stigma lobes oblong or linear-oblong, densely papillate.
Flowers small to fairly large, never truly heterostylous, either in terminal corymbs, spike-like inflorescences or solitary or in pairs or fascicles in the axils of the leaves.
Leaves sessile, linear to lanceolate, the lateral nerves rather obscure; stipules with the truncate sheath bearing hairs and colleters or 2-several teeth.
Capsule ovoid or subglobose, crowned by the persistent calyx lobes and with a usually well-developed beak, loculicidally dehiscent at the apex.
Corolla salver-shaped with a long narrowly cylindrical tube; lobes 4; throat and lobes within glabrous or sparsely pilose.
Stamens always included in the tube or only the tips of the anthers exserted.
Perennial herbs or branched shrublets mostly with erect stems.
Seeds numerous, angular, smooth.
Calyx lobes 4, linear-subulate.