Shrub to 2 (–3) m high. Young stems glabrous or minutely puberulous. Leaves opposite, not fetid when bruised; lamina broadly lanceolate or lanceolate to elliptic, sometimes slightly oblanceolate, 3–9 cm long, 1.5–4 cm wide, obtusely or narrowly attenuate onto petiole, flat, acute, bright green; primary veins 4 or 5 on each side of midrib, usually with pair of prominent domatia pits in axils of uppermost veins; stipules 5–6 mm long, with rigid, linear acumen 3.5–4 mm long (?broadly triangular with a short point 1 mm long, fide Hutton 2002: 64). Flowers c. 5 mm long, green. Calyx obscure. Corolla 3 mm long, green. Male flowers in clusters of 3; filaments 4 mm long; anthers 2 mm long. Female flowers 1–3 (single or in pairs, fide Hutton 2002: 64); stigmatic arms 6–7 mm long. Fruit ellipsoidal (or ovoid), 6–8 mm long, red.
Common in the montane forest from c. 500 m alt. (Green 1994). Sunny open, but protected areas around cliffs and rock ledges (Department of Environment and Climate Change (NSW) 2007: Appendices p. 136).