Stems ± strongly thickened, base not bulbous. Inflorescences: racemes lax to dense, 8–35 × 1–3 cm. Flowers 3–18, inconspicuous; perianth open; sepals spreading, yellowish to green, lanceolate, 1-veined, 3.5–7 mm; lateral sepals often strongly recurved; petals arching over and clasping column, light yellow-green, often spotted with purple, lanceolate, 1-veined, 3–5.5 mm; lip white, often purple spotted, 2.5–4 × 1.5–3 mm, thin, with 2 small lateral lobes or teeth, middle lobe oblong, often somewhat dilated near apex, with 2 distinct basal lamellae; column curved toward lip, yellowish green, sometimes spotted purple basally, with shallow adaxial channel, 2–3.3 mm; ovary 2.1–6.5 mm; mentum inconspicuous. Capsules ellipsoid, 4.5–15 × 4.3–6 mm. 2n = 42.