Erect epiphytic herbs. Pseudobulbs slender, subcylindric, tapering, con-spicuously ridged, the apex with 2 or rarely 3 lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, plicate, strongly veined, subcoriaceous, acute or acuminate leaves. Inflorescences elongate, slender, pendent racemes from the base of the pseudobulbs. Flowers large, fragrant, often brightly colored, usually 2-3, rarely as many as 7, of very complex structure, on slender arching pedicels. The genus has been divided by Schlechter into two sections EUCORYANTHES and LAMELLUNGUIS. In both sec-tions the sepals broad, membranaceous, free, spreading or strongly reflexed, the margins undulate or recurved, the laterals obliquely subfalcate and much larger than the dorsal sepal; the petals inconspicuous, linear-lanceolate, often subfalcately recurved at the apex, with undulate margins. Lip very fleshy, usually complexly 4-parted, the narrow basal claw continuous with the base of the column; the hypochile spreading and concave, or galeate, glabrous or pubescent; the mesochile more or less elongate and canaliculate. In EUCORYANTHES transverse lamellae or excrescences entirely lacking; in LAMELLUNGUIS, these conspicuously present. In both sections epichile inflated, very large and galeate or cup-shaped, in nature usually containing a considerable quantity of clear liquid. Column elongate, terete below, without a foot, the base with 2 short, fleshy, often subfalcate horns or glands from which the liquid is excreted, the apex inflexed-clavate and usually shortly 2-alate on either side of the clinandrium. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, 2-celled; pollinia 2, waxy.