Herbs, perennial, glaucous, glabrous. Caudex dryish, thick, densely branched, densely set with dry residual petioles and stems. Stems 15-30(-40) cm, sulcate, with 2 or 3 scattered leaves, branched. Basal leaves many; petiole 5-8 cm; blade ovate to oblong, 5-8 cm, once to almost twice pinnate with 3 or 4 pairs of shortly stalked leaflets; leaflets orbicular to oblong, base cuneate, deeply 3-fid to pinnatifid with 2-or 3-lobed secondary leaflets; ultimate lobes broadly ovate. Upper cauline leaves smaller with fewer pinnae. Inflorescences terminal and axillary from upper leaves, compound with numerous lateral long-stalked cymose 3-10-flowered partial inflorescences; bracts and bracteoles ovate, 1.5-3 mm, margin membranous, apex acute. Stalks and internodes of lateral partial inflorescences 1-3 cm; pedicels 6-13 mm, often with 1 or 2 bracteoles, at fruiting often bent. Flowers yellow. Sepals ovate, ca. 4 × 1.5-2 mm, margin denticulate, apex rather long pointed. Outer petals narrow, without crest, clearly mucronate at apex; upper petal 14-15 mm; spur 4-5 mm, apex saccate, slightly bent; nectary extended through 2/3-3/4 of spur; inner petals ca. 12 mm. Stigma: see section description. Capsule reflexed, linear-oblong, 15-20 (including style ca. 5 mm) × ca. 2 mm, subtorulose, 4-8-seeded. Seeds in 1 row. Fl. and fr. Jun-Jul.