Herbs, erect, 25-60 cm tall. Rhizome cylindric, extended, upper part ca. 5 mm in diam., densely set with petiolar residues at apex. Stems 1 or 2, below without leaves, upper part with leaves and few branches. Radical leaves several; petiole 9-17 cm, base vaginate; blade glaucous abaxially, triangular-ovate, 7-20 × 5-16 cm, abaxially with raised veins, bi-to tripinnate with 4-6 pairs of opposite primary pinnae; leaflets narrowly ovate to oblong, distal ones decurrent on stalk, ± deeply pinnatifid with coarsely dentate lobes. Cauline leaves 3-5, sessile; blade 5-14 × 3-10 cm, pinnate to sub-bipinnate; lowest pair stipulelike, much smaller than second pair and separated from it by "secondary" petiole 1-5 cm. Racemes terminal and axillary from upper leaves, 3-6 cm, at fruiting 6-9(-17) cm, 8-10(-18)-flowered; bracts narrowly ovate to lanceolate from broad base, 2-5 mm, margin entire. Pedicel 2-4 mm, slightly elongating and recurved in fruit. Sepals rounded, 1-1.5 × 0.75-1.5 mm, finely dentate. Corolla [brownish] yellow; outer petals subacute to subobtuse, shortly and narrowly crested, rather narrow; upper petal 20-22(-25?) mm; spur slightly downcurved, cylindric, 11-12 mm; nectary 2/3-4/5 as long as spur; lower petal navicular, narrowly obovate, 9-10 mm, claw straight or with minute gibbosity at base; inner petals 8-9 mm, claw slightly longer than limb. Stigma square, lateral marginal papillae broad and confluent, laterally and on pronounced basal lobes with geminate papillae. Capsule narrowly obovoid, 10-14 × 3-4 mm, 6-10-seeded; style 2.5-3 mm. Seeds orbicular, 1.5-2 mm, smooth. Fl. and fr. Jul-Nov.