Herbs, annual, glaucous, 25-50(-70) cm tall, with taproot and many suberect to trailing stems. Stems branched and leafy throughout. Basal leaves ca. 10 cm; petiole slightly longer than blade, base ± sheath-form; blade pale abaxially, green adaxially, ovate-lanceolate, bipinnate; pinnae 2 or 3 pairs, petiolulate; pinnules 1(or 2) pairs, terminal deeply 3-divided, lateral ones smaller, almost sessile, deeply 3-divided, terminal segments 3-lobed, lateral segments 2-or 3-lobed, sometimes not lobate; ultimate segments lanceolate, 3-5 × ca. 2 mm. Cauline leaves like basal leaves, but petiolar base sheathed. Racemes subsessile, ca. 1 cm, 3-5-flowered; bracts ovate-lanceolate, 3-4 mm. Pedicel 2-4 mm, recurved in fruit. Flowers pale yellow. Sepals caducous, ovate, ca. 1 mm. Outer petals acuminate, without or with very narrow crest; upper petal 12-13 mm; spur broadly saccate, ca. 3 mm; nectary extended through ca. 1/2 of spur, thin; inner petals 8-9 mm. Stigma horizontally extended 2-armed, each 1/2 with 1 distinct apical forward-projecting papillae and diffuse terminal papillae. Capsules very densely set, drooping, linear-oblong, slightly curved, 15-20 × ca. 2 mm, 5-9-seeded. Seeds in 1 row, with concentric rows of small linear impressions, compressed-lenticular, keeled, ca. 1.5 mm, with cupular caruncle. Fl. and fr. Apr-Aug.