Herbs, perennial, glaucous, 4-7 cm tall, with leaves papillose-puberulent abaxially; stems and radical leaves attenuate to filiform underground base. Storage roots several, long, 40-80 × 1-2 mm, simple. Stems 4-7 cm (plus 5-10 cm below lowest leaf), with 2 or 3 alternate to subopposite leaves close to soil surface, branched. Radical leaves: blade triangular, 3-5 × 3-6 cm, bipinnate; pinnae 3 pairs; pinnules 1-3 pairs, lobed into 2-5 fleshy obovate mucronate segments. Cauline leaves: petiole 0.3-2.5 cm; blade 2-5 × 2-6 cm, like radical leaves. Racemes corymbose, dense, ca. 10-flowered; lower bracts 15-20 mm, with distinct stalk, ternatisect with dentate to divided lobes, becoming smaller upward; uppermost oblanceolate, entire, margin ± papillose-scabrid. Pedicels: lower ones 20-30 mm, upper ones shorter. Sepals ca. 0.5 × 1.5 mm, finely dentate. Corolla golden yellow, with keels of outer petals brownish; upper petal 19-20 mm, obtuse, margin slightly dentate; dorsal crest ca. 2 mm wide, slightly dentate, shortly decurrent on spur; spur straight to slightly upturned, narrowly cylindric, 10-11 mm; nectary 2/5-1/2 as long as spur; lower petal ca. 12 mm, limb rounded, mucronate, dentate; claw straight, narrow; dorsal crest short; inner petals 9-10 mm. Stigma square; marginal papillae: median 2 distinct, lateral 2 broad, indistinct; geminate papillae lateral (submarginal) and on short basal lobes. Fruit unknown. Fl. Aug.