Herbs, perennial, clustered, glaucous, 15-25 cm tall, shortly white tomentose throughout (except flowers), much branched with condensed internodes. Stems, bracts, sepals, and keels of outer petals often with a reddish brown tint. Petiole shorter than to almost equaling blade; blade lanceolate, bipinnate; primary pinnae 5 or 6 pairs, distant, petiolulate; secondary pinnules almost sessile, ovate to almost orbicular; terminal one larger, ca. 1 × 1.2 cm, deeply 3-divided; lateral ones 5-6 × ca. 5 mm, entire to bifid to trifid; ultimate lobes obovate. Raceme 10-35-flowered, at first very dense, soon becoming rather lax; bracts lanceolate, 6-9 mm, pointed. Pedicel 5-10 mm. Flowers yellow to golden yellow. Sepals ovate, ca. 2 mm, entire to shallowly dentate. Outer petals retuse to acute at apex, without or with low crest; upper petal 16-18 mm; spur obtuse, 5-6 mm; nectary extended through ca. 1/2 of spur; lower petal 13-15 mm; inner petals 11-13 mm; claw shorter than limb. Capsule linear, 3-4 cm, hairy. Seeds black, shiny, smooth. Fl. and fr. in early summer.