Herbs, perennial. Tuber globose, ca. 1 cm in diam. Stems geniculate at nodes, 8-15 cm, slender, branched from prophyll. Leaves biternate, glaucous abaxially, green adaxially; leaflets orbicular to obovate, 6-25 × 5-20 mm, entire, sometimes divided. Raceme very lax, 3-9-flowered; bracts ovate to obovate, 5-8 × 3-6 mm, entire or coarsely dentate at apex. Pedicel 8-15 mm, slender, glabrous or with small vesicular hairs. Flowers white, pale blue, or pale amaranth. Outer petals broad, with deep and narrow apical emargination; limb of upper petal with upwardly reflexed margin; spur straight or slightly upcurved, 6-9 mm; nectary extended through ca. 1/2 of spur, acuminate; lower petal with broad flat sometimes slightly undulate limb; inner petals 5-7 mm with dorsal crests prolonged much beyond apex (at least 1/3) into 2 white acute horns. Fl. and fr. Mar-May.