Terrestrial herbs with short rhizomes. Stems erect to several m., rigid, leafy. Leaves distichous but often appearing spiral, sessile to shortly petiolate, plicate, lanceolate to elliptic. Inflorescences 1–4 axillary panicles, few–many-flowered. Flowers white to greenish white. Tepals long, linear, subequal, basally connivent. Lip similar but broadly ovate at apex. Column long, slender, straight, dilated at apex with 2 lateral auricles; anther erect, narrow, acuminate, ± as long as column; pollinia 2, narrow, sectile, on a long slender caudicle attached to a peltate viscidium descending behind the column; stigma broad, deeply 2-lobed; rostellum erect, bifid. Capsule retaining remnants of perianth and column.
Evergreen, clumping plants with thin, wiry roots and tall, slender, unbranched, leafy stems. Leaves alternate along upper half of stems, sessile, sheathing at base, thin-textured but leathery, plicate. Inflorescence corymbose to paniculate, short, multiflowered, arising in upper leaf axils. Flowers spaced or crowded, widely opening, often held upside down. Tepals narrow, spreading or incurved, petals usually shorter than sepals. Labellum attached to anterior base of column, stiffly projecting. Labellum lamina with long, narrow, tubular base forming a tunnel where it closely embraces column, ending in a widely flared apical lobe. Callus of 2 low keels. Column very slender.
Anther erect, narrow, acuminate, almost as long as column; pollinia 2, narrow, sectile, with a long slender caudicle attached to a peltate viscidium descending behind column.
Sepals and petals subequal, long, linear, basally connivent; lip similar, but with ovate apex.
Column long, straight, slender but dilated at apex, with 2 lateral auricles.
Rhizomatous terrestrial herb with tall, erect leafy stems.
Leaves distichous, sessile or shortly petiolate, plicate.
Inflorescences axillary panicles, few to many-flowered.
Stigma broad, deeply 2-lobed; rostellum erect, bifid.
Flowers white or greenish-white.