Caudex slender; stipe to 20 cm long, very dark at base, minutely hairy; scales rigid, 3 mm long, 0.8 mm wide at base, dorsally with small spherical outgrowths. Lamina 25 cm long, texture thin; pinnae 15 pairs; lowest pinnae narrowed at base, basal acroscopic lobe free, dentate, not elongate. Suprabasal pinnae to 6.0xl.4cm, acuminate; lobes at right angles to costa, almost all dentate, separated by sinuses 1.5 mm wide; costules 3.5 mm apart; veins 5-6 pairs; lower surface of rachis with hairs 0.5 mm long, of costae with sparse hairs and many glands, larger scales on costae dilated at base, lamina between veins bearing glands and minute erect hairs; upper surface of rachis and costae bearing unicellular acicular hairs, few on costules and veins, surface between veins with many glands. Sori medial; indusia thin, bearing very short acicular hairs.