Stipe 20-30 cm long, dark, glandular but not hairy except in the groove; scales 3-4 x 1-1.5 mm. Lamina to 30 cm or more long; pinnae c. 20 pairs separated by half their width; basal pinnae a little reduced or not, narrowed in basal third, basal acroscopic lobe a little enlarged and strongly crenate; texture rather rigid when dry. Largest pinnae of type 3.3 x 1.0 cm, of another specimen 6x 1.3 cm; lobes slightly falcate, edges sinuate to toothed at ends of distal veins; costules 2.5-3.5 mm apart; veins 5-7 pairs, thick and slightly prominent; lower surface of rachis and costae bearing rather sparse acicular hairs, many ovate scales to 1 mm long on costae, smaller scales on costules, glands generally; upper surface of rachis and costae bearing short acicular hairs, glands and capitate hairs on surface between veins. Sori medial; indusia large, thin, bearing capitate hairs and glands, usually all symmetric.