Stipe to 25 cm long, covered with pale slender hairs, basal scales little more than 1 mm wide. Lamina to 40 cm long; pinnae 20 pairs, lower 3 pairs gradually smaller, lowest 3.5-4.5x1.1-1.3 cm, their basal acroscopic lobes not enlarged. Largest pinnae 9x1.9 cm (sterile), 8.5x1.7 cm (fertile), acuminate; lobes oblique, strongly dentate; costules 4.5-5.5 mm apart; veins to 7 pairs; lower surface of rachis with many hairs 1 mm long, similar but shorter hairs and very narrow scales on costae, glands on costules and veins, few glands between veins; upper surface glabrous apart from hairs on costae and a few on costules and veins, no glands. Sori inframedial, round; indusia thin, pale, with a few hairs.