Stipe 5-15 cm long, dark at base, paler distally; scales thin, to 5 mm long, to 2.5 mm wide at base. Lamina to 28 cm long; pinnae more than 20 pairs, 6-8 lower pairs gradually smaller, lowest 1.5-2 cm long. Largest pinnae commonly 3.5x0.9 cm, short-acuminate; lobes oblong, mostly crenate, basal ones dentate; costules 2-2.5 mm apart; veins to 5 pairs; lower surface of rachis and costae bearing stiff unicellular hairs to 1 mm long, on costae many small scales sometimes widened at their bases, glands present on costules, veins and surface between veins; upper surface sometimes with a few glands on and near veins. Sori medial, distal ones mostly symmetric; indusia glabrous or with a few glands.