Stipe to 30 cm, base dark, rest flushed with red; hairs very short, thick, brownish; scales 3 x 1 mm, dark. Lamina to 25 cm long with 15-20 pairs well-spaced pinnae, texture thick, rigid when dry; lowest pinnae not reduced, narrowed a little at basiscopic base. Suprabasal pinnae to 7.5 x 1.5 cm, with 4-8 pairs of free or separately adnate pinnules in basal part, apical part lobed almost to costa; pinnules and lobes 1-2 mm wide, almost all crenate, separated by wide sinuses; costules 3 mm apart on type, to 4 mm on another specimen; veins 4-5 pairs, grooved on upper surface; lower surface of rachis covered with brown hairs 0.3 mm long and thin scales, costae with similar hairs and ovate-acute to lanceolate clathrate scales 1 mm long, no glands; upper surface bearing very short erect hairs on edges of grooved costa. Sori medial; indusia small, thin, glabrous.