Shrubs, 3–5 m. Stems erect, spreading, arching; branches spiraled and distichous, maroon, initially tomentose-pilose. Leaves deciduous; petiole 5–8 mm, pilose-villous; blade suborbiculate, broadly elliptic, ovate, or rhombic, 34–40 x 20–32 mm, subcoriaceous, base obtuse or cuneate, margins flat, veins 5 or 6, superficial, apex acute [acuminate or apiculate], abaxial surfaces pale green, initially densely pilose, soon glabrous, adaxial brownish or coppery green, soon light green, slightly shiny, not glaucous, flat between lateral veins, glabrescent; ?fall leaves lacking notable color?. Inflorescences on fertile shoots 25–40 mm with 3 or 4 leaves, 5–12-flowered, lax. Pedicels 3–12 mm, glabrate. Flowers 12–14 mm diam.; buds white; hypanthium cupulate, glabrous; sepals: margins sparsely villous, apex acute or obtuse, surfaces glabrous; petals spreading, white, with hair tuft; stamens (16–)20, filaments white, anthers white; styles (1 or)2. Pomes red, dark red, red-purple, crimson, or rich red with cherry, globose or depressed-globose, 10–13 x 12–13 mm, slightly shiny, not glaucous, glabrous; sepals suberect, indumentum not recorded; navel semiopen; style remnants at or near apex. Pyrenes (1 or)2. 2n = 68.