Shrublets, much branched from base, spreading, later decumbent, ± 0.2 m high. Leaves linear, 50-80 x 10-25 mm, acute, convex below, grooved above, densely covered with glandular hairs, yellowish green, apical margins brown and undulate. Inflorescence an erect thyrse with 3-5 dichasia, each with 3-8 flowers; peduncle 0.15-0.35 m long, viscid. Caly x: lobes triangular-ovate, 3-5 mm long, acute, covered with glandular hairs. Corolla yellow to yellowish green; tube cylindrical, 5-8 mm long, viscid outside, glabrous inside; lobes linear-lanceolate, reflexed and straight. Flowering time Oct.-Dec.