Shrubs or small trees 2.0-3.5 m tall, the branchlets stout, angular above, lenticellate, the nodes somewhat turgid, glabrous, the stipular scars thin, ringlike. Leaves sessile, obovate, to 50 cm long (or longer?), to 20 cm wide, obtuse or rounded at the apex, occasionally short acuminate, tapering narrowly and cu-neately toward the base and finally vaguely auriculate, the costa slender and prominulous above, prominent beneath, to 0.3 cm wide, lignose, the lateral veins ca. 25, to 3 cm apart, prominulous above, prominent beneath, the veinlets per-pendicular, thin coriaceous, occasionally papyraceous, concolorous, drying green, glabrous above and beneath; stipule's'free, deltoid, to 1.5 cm'long, sub-coriaceous, marcescent, glabrous. Inflorescences terminal, to 5 cm long, the cen-tral axis suppressed or to 3 cm long, the branches few, short, the flowers densely aggregated. Flowers with the hypanthium ca. 2 mm long, the calycine tube cy-lindrical, ca. 7 mm long, rounded basally, somewhat turgid, glabrous, petaloid, with a few, well spaced, reddish glands within, the calycine teeth 4, narrowly oblong or narrowly ovate oblong, 10-12 mm long, ca. 2 mm wide at the base, acute; corolla blue, the tube narrowly cylindrical, somewhat curved-like an S, ca. 15 mm long, wider above the middle, ca. 2 mm wide at the middle, glabrous, stiffly thin carnose, the lobes 4, narrowly oblong, ca. 6 mm long; stamens 4, the anthers oblong, 4.5-6.0 mm long, subsagittate basally, the filaments slender, 3 mm long, attached near the middle of the tube; style slender: 4 mm long, the stigmas digitiform, 2 mm long. Fruits on pedicels 0.3 cm long, elliptic oblong, 2.0-2.8 cm long, to 1.3 cm wide, obtuse at the apex and the base: light brown, smooth, glabrous, the raphides conspicuous under magnification, ribbed, the per-sistent calyx to 2 cm long, the lobes often withering, narrowly ovate lanceolate, to 12 mm long, glabrous.