Leaves 3–7-foliolate; petiole 1–4 cm long; rachis up to 10 cm long, glabrous or very slightly pilose; leaflets subcoriaceous, (4)5–13.5 × 2–3.5(6.5) cm, ovate, ovate-elliptic or oblong-elliptic, acuminate at the apex, rounded to broadly cuneate at the base, glabrous or with a few hairs on the midrib; 5–8 lateral nerves on each side; stipels round or ovate, soon falling; petiolules 2–5 mm long.
Corolla white, very pale blue or pink or sometimes greenish or mauve; standard oblong-elliptic, 1.5 × 1 cm, with claw 2 mm long; wing blades 1.5–3.5 mm, with claw 3 mm long; blades of keel petals 15 × 4 mm, with claw 4.5 mm long.
Inflorescences showy, sweet-scented, 4–15 cm long, densely brown velvety pubescent; bracts up to 4 mm long, round or ovate, deciduous; pedicels up to 1(1.3) cm long; bracteoles up to 3 mm long, round or ovate-elliptic.
Shrub or tree 2–21 m tall, with a spreading rounded crown and pale grey smooth flaking bark; bole up to 1.2 m diameter, sometimes buttressed.
Ovary 1–1.1 cm long, pilose at base and on margins but sides ± glabrous, 3–4-ovuled; style 4–5 mm long.
Filament sheath 8–12 mm long, the free parts of filaments 4–6 mm long; anthers 0.5–0.7 mm long.
Branchlets pale or dark, sparsely to less often densely brown pilose but becoming glabrescent.
Seeds red-brown, 14–20 × 12–15 × 4–5 mm, ± round or elliptic in outline, discoid.
Pods creamy-grey, 6.5–10 × 1.8–5 cm, oblanceolate, flattened, 2–4-seeded.
Calyx densely brown velvety, tube c.4 mm long, lobes c.2 mm long.