Shrublet, with erect, slightly woody, sparsely hairy branches, 60-400 mm tall. Leaves sessile, oblong-elliptic to ovate, dorsiventrally flattened, 8-15 x 4-13 mm, margin with stout hairs. Flowers nearly sessile, in several clusters arranged in a flat-to round-topped head, on a short, roughly hairy peduncle, tubular, petals 6-8 mm long, fused in lower 1 mm, with a sharp terminal appendage, white, often tinged red.
Much-branched shrublet to 40 cm, branches recurved-hairy when young. Leaves opposite, oblong-elliptic to ovate, with rounded cilia. Flowers in subsessile, flat to rounded clusters, tubular, white tinged pinkish, petals ± 8 mm long.